Today’s Technician: Automotive Heating & Air Conditioning Classroom Manual and Shop Manual, 7th Edition eBook
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Understand and master the principles, components, diagnosis and repair of modern automotive heating and air conditioning systems with TODAY’S TECHNICIAN: AUTOMOTIVE HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING CLASSROOM MANUAL AND SHOP MANUAL, 7th edition. This integrated, two-book set covers theory and hands-on content in separate Classroom and Shop Manuals, enabling you to learn fundamental climate control theory — including basic physics related to heat transfer — before applying your knowledge through practical, hands-on shop work. Cross-references in each manual link related material, making it easy to connect classroom learning to lab and shop activity. Updated to reflect the latest trends, technology and relevant ASE Education Foundation standards, the 7th edition includes new material on refrigerant R-1234yf (HFO-1234yf) and a vibrant full-color design. Also available: MindTap’s anywhere, anytime digital learning solution.
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Today’s Technician: Automotive Heating & Air Conditioning Classroom Manual and Shop Manual 7th Edition is written by Mark Schnubel and published by Cengage Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Today’s Technician: Automotive Heating & Air Conditioning Classroom Manual and Shop Manual are 9798214355115, and the print ISBNs are 9780357358672, 0357358678. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780357358795.
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