Topics in General Topology eBook
China Internet Development Report 2018: Blue Book of World Internet Conference eBook
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Being an advanced account of certain aspects of general topology, the primary purpose of this volume is to provide the reader with an overview of recent developments.
The papers cover basic fields such as metrization and extension of maps, as well as newly-developed fields like categorical topology and topological dynamics. Each chapter may be read independently of the others, with a few exceptions. It is assumed that the reader has some knowledge of set theory, algebra, analysis and basic general topology.
This is a digital product.
Topics in General Topology is written by Morita, K.; Nagata, J.-I. and published by North Holland. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Topics in General Topology are 9780444704559, 9780080879888, 0080879888 and the print ISBNs are 9780444704559, 0444704558.
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