Topology In Condensed MatterAn Introduction: An Introduction eBook
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This text serves as a pedagogical introduction to the theoretical concepts on application of topology in condensed matter systems. It covers an introduction to basic concepts of topology, emphasizes the relation of geometric concepts such as the Berry phase to topology, having in mind applications in condensed matter. In addition to describing two basic systems such as topological insulators and topological superconductors, it also reviews topological spin systems and photonic systems. It also describes the use of quantum information concepts in the context of topological phases and phase transitions, and the effect of non-equilibrium perturbations on topological systems.This book provides a comprehensive introduction to topological insulators, topological superconductors and topological semimetals. It includes all the mathematical background required for the subject. There are very few books with such a coverage in the market.
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Topology In Condensed Matter: An Introduction: An Introduction is written by Miguel A N Araujo; Pedro Sacramento and published by World Scientific. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Topology In Condensed Matter: An Introduction are 9789811237232, 9811237239 and the print ISBNs are 9789811237218, 9811237212.
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