Topology: Point-Set and Geometric eBook
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The essentials of point-set topology, complete with motivation and numerous examples
Topology: Point-Set and Geometric presents an introduction to topology that begins with the axiomatic definition of a topology on a set, rather than starting with metric spaces or the topology of subsets of Rn. This approach includes many more examples, allowing students to develop more sophisticated intuition and enabling them to learn how to write precise proofs in a brand-new context, which is an invaluable experience for math majors.
Along with the standard point-set topology topics?connected and path-connected spaces, compact spaces, separation axioms, and metric spaces?Topology covers the construction of spaces from other spaces, including products and quotient spaces. This innovative text culminates with topics from geometric and algebraic topology (the Classification Theorem for Surfaces and the fundamental group), which provide instructors with the opportunity to choose which “capstone” best suits his or her students.
Topology: Point-Set and Geometric features:
A short introduction in each chapter designed to motivate the ideas and place them into an appropriate context
Sections with exercise sets ranging in difficulty from easy to fairly challenging
Exercises that are very creative in their approaches and work well in a classroom setting
A supplemental Web site that contains complete and colorful illustrations of certain objects, several learning modules illustrating complicated topics, and animations of particularly complex proofs
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
0470096055, 111803158X, 9780470096055, 9781118031582
Topology: Point-Set and Geometric 1st Edition is written by Paul L. Shick and published by Wiley-Interscience (P&T). The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Topology are 9781118030585, 1118030583 and the print ISBNs are 9780470096055, 0470096055. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 0470096055, 111803158X, 9780470096055, 9781118031582.
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