Toronto Reborn: Design Successes and Challenges eBook
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An incisive view of Toronto?s development over the last fifty years. In Toronto Reborn, Ken Greenberg describes the emerging contours of a new Toronto. Focusing on the period from 1970 to the present, Greenberg looks at how the work and decisions of citizens, NGOs, businesses, and governments have combined to refashion Toronto. Individually and collectively, their actions ? renovating buildings and neighbourhoods, building startling new structures and urban spaces, revitalizing old cultural institutions and creating new ones, sponsoring new festivals and events ? have transformed the old postwar city, changing it into an exciting modern one.
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Additional ISBNs
Toronto Reborn: Design Successes and Challenges is written by Ken Greenberg and published by Dundurn. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Toronto Reborn are 9781459743083, 1459743083 and the print ISBNs are 9781459743076, 1459743075. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781459743090.
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