Total Mean Curvature And Submanifolds Of Finite Type eBook
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During the last four decades, there were numerous important developments on total mean curvature and the theory of finite type submanifolds. This unique and expanded second edition comprises a comprehensive account of the latest updates and new results that cover total mean curvature and submanifolds of finite type. The longstanding biharmonic conjecture of the author’s and the generalized biharmonic conjectures are also presented in details. This book will be of use to graduate students and researchers in the field of geometry.
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Additional ISBNs
9789814616690, 9789814616683, 9814616699, 9814616680
Total Mean Curvature And Submanifolds Of Finite Type (2nd Edition) 2nd Edition is written by Bang-yen Chen and published by World Scientific. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Total Mean Curvature And Submanifolds Of Finite Type (2nd Edition) are 9789814616713, 9814616710 and the print ISBNs are 9789814616683, 9814616680. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9789814616690, 9789814616683, 9814616699, 9814616680.
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