Towards a Harmonized International Trade Classification for the Development of Sustainable Oceans-based Economies eBook
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This publication provides a foundation for filling information and data gap on trade in oceans-based sectors with the aim of facilitating its sustainable development within and across borders. The publication sets forth a Sustainable Oceans Economy classification for tradable goods and services, which can be used by all countries at any point in time. Moreover, it has been conceptualized with consideration for its application for the design of coherent policies, the assessment of oceans sustainability pillars, and the comprehensive analysis of value chains of oceans-based sectors (goods and services).
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Towards a Harmonized International Trade Classification for the Development of Sustainable Oceans-based Economies and published by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Towards a Harmonized International Trade Classification for the Development of Sustainable Oceans-based Economies are 9789210053082, 9210053087 and the print ISBNs are 9789211129953, 9211129958.
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