TRAC: Trends in Analytical Chemistry: Volume 7 eBook
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TRAC: Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Volume 7 provides information pertinent to the trends in the field of analytical chemistry. This book discusses a variety of topics related to analytical chemistry, including biomolecular mass spectroscopy, affinity chromatography, electrochemical detection, nucleosides, and protein sequencing. Organized into 63 parts encompassing 158 chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the significance of quality and productivity in the analytical laboratory. This text then presents a comprehensive review on alcohol dehydrogenases, immobilization, and applications in analysis and synthesis. Other chapters consider the various tests for determining the excellence of quantitative assays available for analysts to utilize for method validation. This book discusses as well the primary challenge of neuropharmacologists to relate physiological functions to the many ligand binding sites identified in brain tissue. The final chapter deals with the fundamentals and applications of biosensors. This book is a valuable resource for analytical chemists, chemical engineers, clinical chemists, neuropharmacologists, and scientists.