Trading With China: How to Export Goods, Services, & Technology to the Chinese Market eBook
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China?s rise to prosperity in recent decades coincided with the surge in global trade and falling protectionism. But as we are entering the third decade of the 21st century, the economic structure that prevailed in the West during the previous decades is now beginning to look very different. Global economic relationships are being redefined in the wake of the global financial crises, the recent US-China trade tensions, Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic. However, when global trade suffers, so do local economies. In today?s economy, international cooperation and open trade are not an option, but a necessity.
Trading with China?is a concise and useful handbook to Western businesses, entrepreneurs and investors doing business with or in China. It is also a practical guide of use to anyone considering to export goods, services and technology to the Chinese market.
The book contains industry information, updated data, key models, practical advice, and strategy options for different types of companies and industry sectors. It details all relevant procedures, opportunities and challenges by industry sector and geographical region. It discusses major issues such as market barriers, import requirements, distribution channels, labelling, and operational challenges. Topics covered in?Trading with China?also include: relevant rules, regulations, documentation and management issues related to the export of different types of goods, services and technology to China.