Training the Counsellor: An Integrative Model eBook
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In Training the Counsellor, Mary Connor shares a decade of training experience to provide an invaluable resource for other counsellor trainers. The role of the trainer as facilitator, educator and assessor as well as key professional and ethical issues are all brought vividly to life through many case examples. The focal point of the book is the integrative, four-stage model for training competent and reflective counsellors, with the relationship between trainee and client at the core of the model. The four stages are: the development of attitudes and values; knowledge and skills; client work and supervision; reflection and evaluation. Building on this model and drawing on her own wealth of experience, the author explore the interface between being professional and being human. Training the Counsellor, offers stimulating reading and tested guidelines for good practice for all those involved in training other helping professionals.
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Additional ISBNs
9780415102186, 9780203129883, 9786610408139, 9781134852529, 9781134852574, 9781322990330
Training the Counsellor: An Integrative Model 1st Edition is written by Mary Connor and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Training the Counsellor are 9781134852567, 1134852568 and the print ISBNs are 9780415102193, 0415102197. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780415102186, 9780203129883, 9786610408139, 9781134852529, 9781134852574, 9781322990330.