Transferring Language Learning and Teaching From Face-to-Face to Online Settings eBook
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Language teaching programs have to respond to the need for distance education, with teachers working to transfer their material onto online platforms and/or learning management systems (LMS) even though their materials are not designed with distance learning in mind. COVID-19 has led to English language teaching programs extending their teaching online for the unforeseeable future and trying to adjust the material to deliver high-quality practice. The education emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed that the world needs an education system that favors flexibility and resilience to equip educators to face unpredictable emergencies that may arise. Transferring Language Learning and Teaching From Face-to-Face to Online Settings examines the phenomenon of emergency language education further and provides an avenue for language teachers and researchers to share their experience, thoughts, and suggestions about transferring their material and teaching approaches from face-to-face (f2f) to an online setting. The edited volume offers a platform for exploring how the field of language teaching is adapting to changes that have derived from the pandemic, with a strong focus on the challenges faced and ways to move forward. Covering topics such as digital pedagogy and teacher education, it is ideal for instructors, faculty trainers, instructional designers, administrators, policymakers, researchers, teachers, teacher educators, and students.
This is a digital product.
Additional ISBNs
1799887170, 1799887197, 9781799887171, 9781799887195
Transferring Language Learning and Teaching From Face-to-Face to Online Settings and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Transferring Language Learning and Teaching From Face-to-Face to Online Settings are 9781799887201, 1799887200 and the print ISBNs are 9781799887171, 1799887170. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1799887170, 1799887197, 9781799887171, 9781799887195.
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