Transforming Education With Generative AI: Prompt Engineering and Synthetic Content Creation eBook
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The rise of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) signifies a momentous stride in the evolution of Large Language Models (LLMs) within the expansive sphere of Natural Language Processing (NLP). This groundbreaking advancement ripples through numerous facets of our existence, with education, AI literacy, and curriculum enhancement emerging as focal points of transformation. Within the pages of Transforming Education With Generative AI: Prompt Engineering and Synthetic Content Creation , readers embark on a journey into the heart of this transformative phenomenon. Generative AI’s influence extends deeply into education, touching the lives of educators, administrators, policymakers, and learners alike. Within the pages of this book, we explore the intricate art of prompt engineering, a skill that shapes the quality of AI-generated educational content. As generative AI becomes increasingly accessible, this comprehensive volume empowers its audience, by providing them with the knowledge needed to navigate and harness the potential of this powerful tool. Transforming Education With Generative AI: Prompt Engineering and Synthetic Content Creation offers a comprehensive exploration that delves into an array of topics, from ethical considerations of AI, to inclusivity in education. It further explores personalized learning applications, learning analytics, and cybersecurity in education. Through this in-depth examination, the book reveals how this innovative technology is reshaping the landscape of education in the 21st century, enriching student engagement, and delivering valuable insights into the educational process.
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Additional ISBNs
Transforming Education With Generative AI: Prompt Engineering and Synthetic Content Creation is written by Sharma Ramesh and published by Engineering Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Transforming Education With Generative AI: Prompt Engineering and Synthetic Content Creation are 9798369313534, and the print ISBNs are 9798369313510, . Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9798369313527.
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