Transforming Gaming and Computer Simulation Technologies across Industries eBook
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Transforming Gaming and Computer Simulation Technologies across Industries
In recent years, digital technologies have become more ubiquitous and integrated into everyday life. While once reserved mostly for personal uses, video games and similar innovations are now implemented across a variety of fields. Transforming Gaming and Computer Simulation Technologies across Industries is a pivotal reference source for the latest research on emerging simulation technologies and gaming innovations to enhance industry performance and dependency. Featuring extensive coverage across a range of relevant perspectives and topics, such as user research, player identification, and multi-user virtual environments, this book is ideally designed for engineers, professionals, practitioners, upper-level students, and academics seeking current research on gaming and computer simulation technologies across different industries.
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Transforming Gaming and Computer Simulation Technologies across Industries is written by Brock Dubbels and published by Information Science Reference. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Transforming Gaming and Computer Simulation Technologies across Industries are 9781522518181, 1522518185 and the print ISBNs are 9781522518174, 1522518177.
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