Transoesophageal Echocardiography: Study Guide and Practice MCQs eBook
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Transoesophageal Echocardiography (TOE/TEE) in cardiac patients is now almost routine. Its use in cardiac monitoring has also extended to include critically ill patients for non-cardiac surgery and the intensive care setting. Specific accreditation is required prior to practice of TOE/TEE involving a written examination and a documented logbook of experience. This book was specifically designed to help candidates pass the written exam and was structured around the syllabus. Providing a summary of all relevant information, this is an invaluable study aid. Lists of further reading material are provided with every topic, including guidelines and safety, cardiomyopathies, heart disease, haemodynamic calculations and many more. Each chapter ends with a series of exam-style questions for self-assessment. An extremely useful book for trainee anaesthetists, intensivists, trainee cardiologists and cardiac surgeons.