Transportation Infrastructure Engineering, Materials, Behavior and Performance: Proceedings of the 6th GeoChina International Conference on Civil & Transportation Infrastructures: From Engineering to Smart & Green Life Cycle Solutions — Nanchang, China, 2021 eBook
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Society needs to travel to engage in productive and effective commerce, social, educational and related activities. Efficient travel is founded on an operational transport infrastructure system that is well-designed, engineering, constructed and maintained. This volume shares some of the latest innovations and thoughts in the areas of pavement infrastructure materials, behavior and performance. Access to this volume should enable the reader to gain an understanding of such novel information that should support improvements in the provision of an effective road transportation system for the benefit of the greater society served by the road network. The content is based on the contributions to the 6th GeoChina International Conference on Civil & Transportation Infrastructures: From Engineering to Smart & Green Life Cycle Solutions — Nanchang, China, 2021.