Treatment of Chronic Pain by Interventional Approaches: the AMERICAN ACADEMY of PAIN MEDICINE Textbook on Patient Management eBook
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From reviews of Deer, eds., Comprehensive Treatment of Chronic Pain by Medical, Interventional, and Integrative Approaches: “Comprehensive Treatment of Chronic Pain by Medical, Interventional, and Integrative Approaches is a major textbook… [I]t should be a part of all departmental libraries and in the reference collection of pain fellows and pain practitioners. In fact, this text could be to pain as Miller is to general anesthesia.” Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology Edited by master clinician-experts appointed by the American Academy of Pain Medicine, this is a soft cover version of the Interventional sections of the acclaimed Deer, eds., Comprehensive Treatment of Chronic Pain by Medical, Interventional, and Integrative Approaches. It is intended as a primary reference for busy clinicians who seek up-to-date and authoritative information about interventional approaches to treating chronic pain. State-of-the-art coverage of full range of techniques: neural blockades, neurolysis blocks, and neurostimulation Review of clinically relevant anatomy and physiology “Key Points” preview contents of each chapter
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Treatment of Chronic Pain by Interventional Approaches: the AMERICAN ACADEMY of PAIN MEDICINE Textbook on Patient Management is written by Timothy R. Deer and published by Springer. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Treatment of Chronic Pain by Interventional Approaches are 9781493918249, 1493918249 and the print ISBNs are 9781493918232, 1493918230.