Trends and Future Directions in Security and Emergency Management eBook
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This book aims to inform about the current empirical results of the work of experts in the field security and emergency management and risk management in connecting science, theory and practice in various fields related to security management and emergency management. The chapters present research work and case studies from international, state as well as regional levels. The book is divided into five sections, which deal with Safety and Security Science, Security and Emergency managment, Threats and Risks, Cyber Risks and Extraordinary Event, Preparation and Solutions. The book is intended primarily for scientific communities established in security sciences, theorists and experts working in various positions and levels of security organizations, universities with specializations in security studies, but also for the expert public interested in security issues or entities directly responsible for security and emergency management.
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Trends and Future Directions in Security and Emergency Management and published by Springer. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Trends and Future Directions in Security and Emergency Management are 9783030889074, 3030889076 and the print ISBNs are 9783030889067, 3030889068.
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