Tresch and Aronow’s Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly eBook
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With an exponential growth in the number of older adults, understanding the common disorders of the elderly patient requiring cardiac care is becoming increasingly important. Incorporating recent advances in the field, Tresch and Aronow’s Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly 6th Edition has been completely revised and updated to provide cardiologists, primary care physicians, geriatricians and other clinicians caring for the elderly a comprehensive and accessible overview of the epidemiology, pathophysiology and treatment of cardiovascular disorders in older patients.
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Additional ISBNs
113855829X, 1315151316, 0367655837, 9781138558298, 9781315151311, 9780367655839
Tresch and Aronow’s Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly: Sixth Edition 6th Edition and published by CRC Press. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Tresch and Aronow’s Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly are 9781351364904, 1351364901 and the print ISBNs are 9781138558298, 113855829X. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 113855829X, 1315151316, 0367655837, 9781138558298, 9781315151311, 9780367655839.
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