Triathlon Medicine eBook
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This book offers an ultimate clinical guide to all the medical issues related to? triathlon ? a very popular Olympic and international sport, and the most modern of all the endurance activities. Triathletes experience a range of environmental conditions and physiological demands, depending on the race, that must be taken into consideration when preparing for medical assistance. The book addresses in detail the topics of cardiovascular adaptations, overuse injuries, overtraining syndrome, endurance anaemia, nutrition and the physiological aspects associated with the discipline. It provides information on the training and technical aspects of the different distances in triathlon disciplines, with a special focus on safety in open-water swimming. Dedicated chapters also cover issues related to female, young, master and para-triathletes. Combining research perspectives with many years of experience practicing in the field, this book offers sport medicine physicians, orthopedists, physical therapists and coaches a comprehensive guide to the evaluation, treatment and prevention of all the overuse conditions and to improving athletes? performance.
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Triathlon Medicine and published by Springer. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Triathlon Medicine are 9783030223571, 3030223574 and the print ISBNs are 9783030223564, 3030223566.
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