Triple Double: Using Statistics to Settle NBA Debates eBook
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This book provides empirical evidence and statistical analyses to uncover answers to some of the most debated questions in the NBA. The sports world lives and breathes off of debates on who deserves an MVP award, and which athletes should be considered all-stars. This book provides some statistics-backed perspectives to some of these debates that are specific to the NBA. Was LeBron snubbed of an MVP in the 2010-2011 season? Why has the G.O.A.T. debate turned into LeBron vs. Jordan?.Did Kobe get overlooked? How come Klay Thompson didn?t get All-NBA honors in the 2018-2019 season? This book explores these questions and many more with empirical evidence. This book is invaluable for any undergraduate or masters level course in sport analytics, sports marketing, or sports management. It will also be incredibly useful for scouts, recruiters, and general managers in the NBA who would like to use analytics in their work.