Triple Value Leadership: Creating Sustainable Value for Your Business, Your Customers and Society eBook
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With the sustainability emergency, businesses can no longer give priority to commercial interests (and financial gains) and close their eyes to societal and environmental interests. We need a new, higher perspective to close the gap. We need to formulate a new business logic and a sustainable value creation method for sustainable business, for their customers and society ? that is, all business stakeholders, as well as the planet. This book will do just that. This book presents the insights gained from action research with leading companies across the world to discover a comprehensive method that works: a practical framework for CEO and business leaders who want to lead their organization along the sustainability transition. Building on the latest insights from science, summarized as the systems view of life, the book identifies six principles that provide a new leadership lens on how to understand the changes taking place in business. Based on these insights, the book offers the Triple Value mindset model, consisting of six distinct leadership qualities, which shows how to create sustainable value from a systems perspective. This model is unique as it enables business leaders to scale their intended impact from the organization to all stakeholders in the value chain, thus transcending the conflict between business and society. Not only that, the book will also offer you a leadership journey ? an adventure that will transform the way to think, feel and execute the new perspective in your company, while perfecting your leadership potential and inspiring the people you work with. On the journey you will be supported by models, tools and best practices, which will help you to reimagine your business strategy and your role as leader in driving sustainable transformation and success.
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Additional ISBNs
9781003119302, 9780367634469, 9781000575194
Triple Value Leadership: Creating Sustainable Value for Your Business, Your Customers and Society 1st Edition is written by Sander Tideman and published by Routledge. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Triple Value Leadership are 9781000575262, 1000575268 and the print ISBNs are 9780367634780, 0367634783. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781003119302, 9780367634469, 9781000575194.
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