Trust in E-Services eBook
China Internet Development Report 2018: Blue Book of World Internet Conference eBook
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The tremendous growth of the Internet is successfully making a variety of e-services a part of citizens’ everyday life. E-services such as: Web-banking, Web shopping, e-learning, e-healthcare, and e-government, are available in most countries around the world. Trust in E-Services: Technologies, Practices and Challenges provides an overview of e-service trust issues, including: definitions, constructs, and relationships with other research topics such as security, privacy, reputation, and risk. Trust in E-Services: Technologies, Practices and Challenges introduces and discusses the existing trust platforms and management tools such as trust evaluation, reasoning approaches, and mechanisms for e-services. This book also offers contributions from researchers and practitioners with real-life experience and practice on how to build a trust environment for e-government services.
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Trust in E-Services is written by Ronggong Song and published by Idea Group Publishing. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Trust in E-Services are 9781599042091, 1599042096 and the print ISBNs are 9781599042077, 159904207X.
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