Understanding Child Development, 10th Edition eBook
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UNDERSTANDING CHILD DEVELOPMENT, 10th Edition, introduces pre-service and inservice teachers to the unique qualities of young children from infants to age eight, and demonstrates how to work with each child in ways that correspond with their developmental level, and their social and cultural environment. Now organized into 15 chapters, the book includes learning theories and research as well as information about the importance of play and technology in a young child’s learning process. Learning objectives and specific NAEYC Program Standards, Accreditation Criteria, and Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) are highlighted at the beginning of each chapter. Other topics covered include readiness, assessment, working with children and families from diverse cultures, working with children with special needs, and the early stages of reading, writing, and general cognitive development. Throughout the text, real-life examples and anecdotes bring theory and research to life
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Understanding Child Development 10th Edition is written by Rosalind Charlesworth and published by Cengage Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Understanding Child Development are 9798214355405, and the print ISBNs are 9781305501034, 1305501039. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9781305639577, 9781337029575, 9781337220804, 9780357691359, 9781473745117, 9781305856172.
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