Understanding the Principles of Organic Chemistry: A Laboratory Course, 1st Edition eBook
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Class-tested by thousands of students and using simple equipment and green chemistry ideas, UNDERSTANDING THE PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: A LABORATORY COURSE includes 36 experiments that introduce traditional, as well as recently developed synthetic methods. Offering up-to-date and novel experiments not found in other lab manuals, this innovative book focuses on safety, gives students practice in the basic techniques used in the organic lab, and includes microscale experiments, many drawn from the recent literature. An Online Instructor’s Manual available on the book’s instructor’s companion website includes helpful information, including instructors’ notes, pre-lab meeting notes, experiment completion times, answers to end-of-experiment questions, video clips of techniques, and more.
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Understanding the Principles of Organic Chemistry: A Laboratory Course, Reprint 1st Edition is written by Steven F. Pedersen; Arlyn M. Myers and published by Cengage Learning. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Understanding the Principles of Organic Chemistry: A Laboratory Course, Reprint are 9781133173106, 1133173101 and the print ISBNs are 9781111428167, 1111428166. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 9780495829935, 9780538497718, 9781133385776, 9781111946586.
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