Innovations in English Language Arts Teacher Education eBook
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Changes in the discipline of english language arts teacher education have produced a much more expansive understanding of literacy and of what teachers of English language arts do.? This volume addresses these changes by featuring innovation?both theoretical and applied?in the field itself. Changes in the field of English language arts teacher education suggest a need to also examine how teachers approach learning to teach in a field that has so quickly evolved. This book seeks to understand how a future teaching force will approach this changing landscape and how we, as English teacher educators, might effectively prepare them to do so.
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Additional ISBNs
1787140512, 1787140504, 9781787140516, 9781787140509
Innovations in English Language Arts Teacher Education is written by Stefinee E. Pinnegar and published by Emerald Publishing Limited. The Digital and eTextbook ISBNs for Innovations in English Language Arts Teacher Education are 9781787143104, 1787143104 and the print ISBNs are 9781787140516, 1787140512. Additional ISBNs for this eTextbook include 1787140512, 1787140504, 9781787140516, 9781787140509.
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